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About Us

Digital and Lifelong Learning works with campus units to support the development of digital programs and pedagogies, as well as other flexible and nontraditional learning opportunities.

Digital Learning

Online and hybrid learning are more important than ever, and we provide both expertise and technical assistance to enable flexibility, optimize learning outcomes, and maintain Carolina’s rigorous academic standards.

Our projects range from online course design to online program development and administration. Working with departments and units on campus, we bring to the table decades of experience in instructional design and program administration, as well as the latest best practices for digital learning. We are active participants and leaders in UPCEA, a premiere organization dedicated to research on and administration of higher ed professional, continuing, and online (PCO) education. We serve as campus leads for UPCEA and several other similar organizations, such as OLC, WCET, Quality Matters, and more. Please contact us if you are interested in participating in any of these organizations or their events.

Lifelong Learning

Continuing education at UNC-Chapel Hill was organized formally in 1913 when a Bureau of Extension was established to facilitate the University’s efforts to reach out to North Carolina citizens. Since that time, continuing education has become a significant activity in a number of schools and departments.

Digital and Lifelong Learning is UNC-Chapel Hill’s primary continuing education unit. As such, we offer a wide range of educational programs and services that substantially broaden the population that the University is able to serve, through:

We also provide to campus:

  • The Friday Conference Center, a 25,000 square-foot continuing education conference center serving UNC-Chapel Hill departments and other organizations
  • Continuing Education Unit (CEU) administration, serving as the University’s home for recording individual participation in noncredit courses, programs, and other activities
  • Retired Faculty and Professionals Association, a dues-supported professional association of retired faculty members of UNC-Chapel Hill and other institutions of higher learning

You can find us on campus in South Building and at the Friday Conference Center.